Friday, September 12, 2008

Why public bathrooms piss me off!

There are many reasons public bathrooms piss me off and it has nothing to do with cleanliness.

Things that piss me off from a fat guy perspective
  • Regular stall width :: 99.9% of regular bathroom stalls are just to damn narrow and a big guy like myself needs some room so I'm normally forced to use the handicap stall.
  • Regular stall toilet height :: It seems like they are the height for kids and midgets.
  • The height of the toilet paper dispenser :: Why in the hell does the toilet dispenser have to be so low to where your leg hits it. This has to piss off skinny people to. Why can't it be higher, and in the handicap stall why can't it be above the bar.
Other things that piss me off
  • People who DON'T WASH THEIR HANDS :: This is the most disgusting thing ever. Even if I went into the bathroom to brush my hair or check my shirt I wash my hands before leaving.
  • Ridiculously wet floors :: Why do some public bathrooms look like someone hosed down everything.
  • People who piss on the seat :: Scumbags .... 'nuff said.
  • Blowing hand dryers :: I just hate these things, just takes to long to dry your hands.
Just a few things that piss me off about public bathrooms.

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